October 13-25 this year saw the debut of a new, online-only conference for language learners and aspiring polyglots which featured presentations from some of the world's finest language learners and industry specialist, and me!
polyglot conference
Trip Report: Polyglot Conference Reykjavik 2017
It's been a few days since I came home from Reykjavik Iceland after participating in the 5th annual Polyglot Conference, and today I'd like to share the experience from the point of view of an experienced conference-goer.
AFP 21 – Richard Simcott: 20th Episode Special!
Today is a special celebratory milestone! It marks the 20th unique episode of the Actual Fluency Podcast. When I first started the podcast 20 episodes ago, it was my dream to create a podcast that could inspire people, and myself to work harder, discover new methods and just try and connect the community through the podcasting medium – which at the time I started only had one other general language learning podcast.