My comprehensive Polyglot Gathering Berlin trip report – part 2

Welcome to my Berlin trip report. I decided to write a very comprehensive trip report, in an attempt to try and recreate my own participation in the event. This way my hope is that people who were unable to attend can at least get a feel for just how incredible the event was. This is part 2 of a multi part story and you can expect a new chapter every other day.

PS. I apologize for not having more pictures, I usually don't take many photos when I'm travelling around.

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My comprehensive Polyglot Gathering Berlin trip report – part 1

Welcome to my Berlin trip report. I decided to write a very comprehensive trip report, in an attempt to try and recreate my own participation in the event.

This way my hope is that people who were unable to attend can at least get a feel for just how incredible the event was. This is a multi part story and you can expect a new chapter every other day.

PS. I apologize for not having more pictures, I usually don't take many photos when I'm travelling around.

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Polyglot Berlin is over – Airport thoughts about the event!

Wow. That probably sums up the experience I have had the last week. As I'm sitting in Berlin Schönefeld Airport, heavily sleep deprived, I thought I would write down some of my thoughts about the crazy week that is Polyglot Gathering Berlin 2014.

First of all I must try and verbalise an incredibly congratulations to the main organizers: Judith, Martin and Chuck. Leaning on experience of Esperanto events and also the polyglot conference in Berlin these great people took it upon themselves to organise a Berlin gathering, and save for a few technical problems here and there the event was masterfully and professionally done.

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