AFP 11 – Olly Richards from

On today's show I'm joined by Olly Richards. Olly is a well known polyglot and blogger, that with his website “” offers incredible insight and inspiration for aspiring language learners. As a matter of fact he was part of the bloggers who inspired me to create Actual Fluency back in the end of last year.

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AFP 10 – Robin MacPherson: How I Learn Languages 2/2

On today's episode Robin MacPherson returns to talk about specifically how he learns languages including a lot of thoughts and considerations he has made along the way. Robin goes into incredible detail here and I think the contents of this episode easily ranks in the top for practical language advice.

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AFP 07 – Dani Maizner: Austrian polyglot and blogger

Today I'm happy to bring on a fellow language learner whom I have gotten to know via  the Facebook groups and communities that relate to language learning. It's an amazing feeling to be part of the community and I feel like I'm meeting people I would have otherwise never met.

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AFP 06 – The Basics of Independent Language Learning

Today I'm super stoked to announce the release of my first SOLO episode of the podcast. The aim of the podcast is to empower language learners by providing inspiration, tips and resources on the best ways to learn that dreaded foreign language. 

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AFP 03 – Judith Meyer: An Incredible Language Learning Journey

On this episode of the Actual Fluency Podcast I welcome on Judith Meyer. Judith is a very well-known polyglot and speaks over 12 languages. During the recording we touch on many areas such as how to learn, how to set goals to get motivated and whether or not you should learn Latin or other ancient languages.

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