AFP 76 – Connor Grooms: Spanish in a month and Baselang

Connor Grooms comes on to the show to talk about his Documentary: Spanish in a Month and also his language learning start-up: Baselang.

Connor Grooms

Connor recently learnt Spanish in Colombia in just one month, where he also produced a documentary showing the entire process.

In this podcast episode we get into rapid language learning and his new language start-up: Baselang.

The documentary is now live. Check the show notes for more information.

Listen to the episode

Show notes

  • What made Connor embark on a 1 month intensive language learning project
  • Why he decided to make a documentary
  • His upcoming startup
  • Tips and tricks on how to learn languages quickly
  • And much more

Show Resources

  • Spanish in a Month – the finished documentary
  • Baselang Unlimited Spanish Classes for $129 a month (get $10 off your first month)

Thank you for listening!

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Thank you to this week’s guest: Connor Grooms!