Baselang Black Friday Offer 2023 – Unlimited Spanish Lessons

Question: Is Baselang going to offer a Black Friday offer this year?

Answer: Unfortunately not. Baselang has not offered Black Friday / Cyber Monday offers in the past two years, and we've received confirmation from them that they are not going to one in 2023 either.

But, no worries. Click the link below to check out all the other confirmed offers and deals for this year:

Check out all the other Black Friday 2023 Offers Here

Or you can read on for how to get a special baselang discount.

Only Baselang Offer Available

Due to the lower margins of offering personalised 1-on-1 lessons at an unlimited scale, Baselang rarely do any big discounts like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

However, you can get $10 off your first month of Baselang, by using this link: Actual Fluency Baselang Offer

What is Baselang?

baselang black friday offer

Baselang is an unlimited Spanish Tutoring service that offers multiple variations of service.

Their “Real World” package allows anyone to book an unlimited number of Spanish 1-to-1 lessons around the clock.

Their Grammarless package is a fixed cost, but promises to make people conversational in Spanish in just one month (4 hours per day required) or two months (2 hours per day required).