Updated: August 2021

Babbel Discount and Coupon Code
Babbel offers all new users a 7-day free trial. They don't always offer a discount, but you can use the link below to find out if anything is on offer at the moment. In the past up they have offered up to 80% off their annual membership.
Babbel: Excellent French and Spanish courses
Babbel is a very affordable online language course provider, that features familiar quiz-style course elements combined with exercises, pronunciation and grammar trainers as well as vocabulary practice tools.
They offer English speakers 13 languages to pick from, with each subscription being purchased separately. You can also learn English with Babbel from Spanish, French, German, Italian, Swedish, and Portuguese.
Find out more about Babbel
Read our review to find out more about Babbel
Babbel Black Friday Offer (Updated for 2021)
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