My NAPS 2016 Presentation: Language Learning Against Depression

At the end of July 2016 I was invited to speak at the inaugural North American Polyglot Symposium conference in Montreal, Canada. Here's my presentation: Language Learning Against Depression

North American Polyglot Symposium 2016 Review (4)About the Presentation

In this presentation I share my own story of depression, and how the language learning community was a huge tool for my success in climbing out of the proverbial hole.

I also touch on why language learning is a good antidote to depression and encourage people to help each other and talk about these issues instead of hiding them.

Listen to the Presentation

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Note: It's going to be hard to follow my talk with these slides, so I'm mostly uploading them here so you can see what they looked like. There's over 100 slides!

Download the slides (right-click and save target as)