This episode features singer/song-writer Haikaa Yamamoto who is behind the Work of Art – A global song project in which she sings in more than 20 languages. She also starred in ‘Skype me Maybe' a project initiated by Benny Lewis.
kris broholm
AFP 71 – Dr. Taghreed Al-Saraj: Language Anxiety Part 2
Here is part 2 with language anxiety researcher Dr. Taghreed Al-Saraj. In this episode we get the full picture including the story on how she came up with the idea for the book: The Anxious Language Learner: A Saudi Woman's Story.
AFP 59 – Carole Westerkamp: Language Learning and NLP
Today I'm excited to be joined on the podcast by Carole Westerkamp, whom I just met at the Polyglot Berlin Gathering. Carole is a very talented Polyglot and speaks about her experience of learning languages and how NLP is connected to learning languages.
AFP 07 – Dani Maizner: Austrian polyglot and blogger
Today I'm happy to bring on a fellow language learner whom I have gotten to know via the Facebook groups and communities that relate to language learning. It's an amazing feeling to be part of the community and I feel like I'm meeting people I would have otherwise never met.
AFP 06 – The Basics of Independent Language Learning
Today I'm super stoked to announce the release of my first SOLO episode of the podcast. The aim of the podcast is to empower language learners by providing inspiration, tips and resources on the best ways to learn that dreaded foreign language.