Why we should let languages die and enjoy those that are still alive

Lately, I have begun to see more and more posts published to social media about dying or even dead languages.

I don't have personal interest in endangered languages, but I can understand if some people might find it worrying or even go to great lengths to try and revive these extinct or near-extinct languages.

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Guide: How to watch any video with 2 sets of subtitles

** Update November 2018: This post solved a problem many years ago, and while it still works new solutions have been developed, check the comment section!

** If you're interested in learning Spanish as a foreign language, check out my review of Baselang – a no fuss, unlimited tutoring service.

The other night I was watching my Frozen DVD on my computer with the Russian language enabled, but as I was watching the movie I was thinking; “What if I could have both Russian and English subtitles at the same time?”

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Russian Mission: One month as a new independent language learner

For the last month and a little bit more I have been studying Russian as my first independently studied foreign language. It is the first I want to achieve fluency in, before I start moving on to another language. I have given myself 3 months to reach conversational fluency, because that coincides with the Polyglot Berlin conference.

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