For the last month and a little bit more I have been studying Russian as my first independently studied foreign language. It is the first I want to achieve fluency in, before I start moving on to another language. I have given myself 3 months to reach conversational fluency, because that coincides with the Polyglot Berlin conference.
Learn a Language
Fluent in 3 Months Book Review: Learn a Language in Just 3 Months?
Fluent in 3 Months Book Review: In this post I take a look at the best-selling book, where acclaimed polyglot Benny Lewis teaches everyone how they can learn the fundamentals of a language quicker, and have conversations in a new language within 3 months.
Why Learning Languages in School Sucks Most of The Time
The language learning programs in school are vastly unsuccessful. In this post you'll read how I failed French and my general thoughts and views on classroom-based language learning.
Why Learn Danish when everyone speaks English?
Why learn Danish?
In this post I'll give some reasons for and against learning the wonderful Danish language.
How to Learn the Cyrillic Alphabet for Russian in no time
How to learn the Cyrillic alphabet is one of the challenges I faced when I started to learn Russian. This post is my complete walk through on how I did it in very little time using mnemonics.
Why Learn Russian: Reasons for learning Russian today
Why Learn Russian? Well, Russian is a wonderful language, and also the first language mission I did here on Actual Fluency. In this post I share my top reasons for why you should consider learning Russian.