On this episode I'm joined by Anja Spilker, CEO and Founder of Zaloa Languages where we talk about the positive effects learning languages and travelling can have on mental health.
Overcoming the Dips of Language Learning
Learning languages is a wonderful intellectual pursuit, and I can honestly say that even my mediocre efforts have brought me more positive change than anything else I have ever done in my life.
My NAPS 2016 Presentation: Language Learning Against Depression
At the end of July 2016 I was invited to speak at the inaugural North American Polyglot Symposium conference in Montreal, Canada. Here's my presentation: Language Learning Against Depression
AFP 91 – Fight depression by learning languages
This might be my most powerful episode yet. In this episode I list reasons why language learning is a great tool against depression. I also share some tips from my personal experience and my personal back-story.
Ramblings From An Imperfect Language Learner
In today's post I talk about the imperfect language learner and how I'll use my biggest weaknesses as strengths here on the blog to inspire language learners in a similar situation.