Babbel is a large online language course provider based in Berlin, Germany. In this post I take a look at their course offers, and attempt to answer the question: “Is Babbel Worth it?”
My Rocket Languages Review: Surprisingly Good!
One of my favourite activities here on Actual Fluency is to give language software, apps, courses and other methods a good test to see if it's useful and effective to learn languages with.
Today I'm taking a look at Rocket Languages.
My Fluent In 3 Months Premium Review: Is it worth it?
The Fluent in 3 Months Premium Program is a collection of resources to help language learners learn their target language faster, produced by Benny Lewis – a best-selling author and internationally renowned polyglot.
Conversation Countdown Review: Can you speak in a week?
In this post I give a brief overview of Benny Lewis' course: Conversation Countdown, and how you can use it to get a very fast start in learning any foreign language.
Review: Antosch and Lin flashcard service – First look
As I take great pride in exploring the tools and services out there for language learners, I did not hesitate when Oliver Antosch of Antosch & Lin approached me to review their flashcard service. Note that this is part 1 of my review, the first look. I will write another post when I have used the service for a month to evaluate it.