AFP 40 – 10 Language learning lessons learned so far

In today's episode I'm back doing another solo episode, and this time I'm talking about 10 lessons I've learnt aboutĀ language learning by interviewing over 30 language learners.

Flying solo

Welcome to Episode 40 of the Actual Fluency Podcast. I'm very excited to be presenting a solo-episode this week, where I dive into 10 things I've learned by interviewing over 30 amazing language learners throughout the year.

This episode is a little different from the usual guest-interview format, and so I'm very happy to hear your feedback on it. Is it interesting? Boring? Too short? Too long? Any feedback is welcomed in the comments box below.

I'm really heappy that you are listening to my podcast and together we will learn many languages. I'm sure of it.

The Episode

Show Notes

In this episode you will hear about:

  • How never giving up is the number one way to suceed
  • How and why tutoring helps tremendously
  • How getting out and socialising can boost your learning
  • Why it's important to actually do some work in language learning
  • How we can use vanity as a motivator
  • How to learn languages more efficiently
  • My story of learning Russian and some of the mistakes I did.

Episode Resources

This lists the resources relevant to the episode. For other language learning resources please go to the resource page for more information.