AFP 03 – Judith Meyer: An Incredible Language Learning Journey

On this episode of the Actual Fluency Podcast I welcome on Judith Meyer. Judith is a very well-known polyglot and speaks over 12 languages. During the recording we touch on many areas such as how to learn, how to set goals to get motivated and whether or not you should learn Latin or other ancient languages.

judithmeyerJudith is very passionate about learning languages and shares a ton of great tips and tricks on how to learn languages within today's episode. She also organises the PolyGlot Berlin gathering, that I will be attending in June. Be sure to listen at the end of the Podcast, where she reveals a little fun event of the gathering that she has not announced anywhere yet.

iTunes Announcement!

The show is now live on iTunes, meaning you can listen to the show there, using any device that you would normally use to listen to iTunes podcasts. I would really appreciate if you went to The iTunes Page and gave me your honest review, and if you like the show even subscribe. Thank you so much!

Note: I'm aware there are some problems with the audio quality. I apologize for this, and can only say that it will be improved in future episodes. I'm grateful for your support.

The Episode

Show Notes

In this episode you will hear about:

  • Judith's experience learning English at 10, Latin at 12 and Esperanto at 14 – and that was just the beginning!
  • How she approaches language learning
  • What motivates Judith to learn all these languages
  • How to set goals to learn better and faster
  • Specific learning resources and courses she finds useful
  • How Esperanto changed her life
  • What inspired her to start the PolyGlot Berlin Gathering in June
  • What she thinks about learning Latin or Ancient Greek.
  • And much more!

Resources mentioned in the Episode